Storage service questionnaires and interviews across the country
There are many ways of data collection such as
Direct interviews is the interviews proceed directly to the experiment group. This method is commonly used in the census and sample surveys. This method is suitable for research that has a lot of questions and complicated questions with terminology and definitions that need explanation.· Phone interview, in case the number of question is not huge and not complicated. The phone interview is a faster way of collecting data. But there are disadvantages since it can only proceed with an example who has a phone. In some cases, the answer may be presumptuous, refuse to answer or simply end the call.
Question response
It is the way of gathering data by the handing the questionnaire with the description of recoding method and definition of words to the sample in advance. Researchers will collect the questionnaire on the specified date. If the records are incorrect or incomplete, there will be further questioning or interviewing until all questions are fulfill as required.
Scope of Services
• Data collection service includes questionnaire and interview in Thai, English, and Chinese.
• We provide questionnaire and interview on focus group such as age, gender, educational level through field work in Thailand wherever to pursue effective and accurate on customer’s needs.
• We offer data collection service at reasonable prices.
• Quality and efficiency of the work are guaranteed for immediate use.