• The concept, theory, and research information service in Thailand and foreign countries uses electronic sources such as Thai National Research Repository (TNRR) with a number of 450,000 researches, NRCT Research Gateway with a number of 105,470 researches, and in Thai thesis database composed of 71,193 researches in all fields. For foreign database, such as ABI/Inform Complete, EBSCO Host, Access Medicine, Emerald Management. From private and public universities and other sources, such as central library and Thammasart University’s library. We also provide the consultation in applying theory or concept to conform with customer’s works. We can ensure the relevance of theories to your research and be able to perfectly explain the customers about theory used in the work by experienced professionals in various disciplines.
• We offer the informational service, theory, and research in Thailand and foreign countries at reasonable prices.
• We provide efficient references, theories, diagrams, figures, and pictures from reliable source.
• Quality and efficiency of the work are guaranteed for immediate use.
Tool Design Services Research survey interview.
Why do you need a questionnaire? !!! The questionnaire is a tool created to measure the opinions expressed or unknown facts. It will demonstrate the historical and present fact and predict future events, mainly in the form of a series of questions to measure a certain thing by urged questions to receive answers from persons. It is a popular tool used to measure affective domain.